I have a Sequence containser(named One) and 2 Sequence containers( named two and three) nested inside container One. In Container two and three I have execute SQL tasks to execute Stored Procedure. Then I have send email task linked to my sequence containter One on failure constraint.
Failure contrainst to send email is not working. I want each sequence containters(two and three) to execute SQL tasks and if one fails wait for other to execute and then failure task should execute.
Any help is appreciated.
Looks like your errors are not bubbling up to container one.
When your package fails, what's the status (color) of Container One? I other words, does it turn red or yellow or green?
And, what's the constraint between two and three? Looks like they run independent of each other.
|||On package failure status of Container One is failed(red color).
Containers two and three run independent of each other.
|||Amar Khaira wrote:
On package failure status of Container One is failed(red color).
Containers two and three run independent of each other.
I created a test package and it has the same behaviour. But I know how to fix this.
Set the FailParentOnFailure property to True on both the child containers and all the tasks inside them.
The problem is the failure is not bubbling up the parent.
Try it and let me know. I have a test package I can send if you need it.
|||Thanks Ravi..Your solution also works.
I also have a work around..it is now working. I changed ForceExecutionResult to Completion for nested sequence containers(two and three) and also changing value of variable flag on completion or failure.
Then I am checking value of variable flag in Precedence for next step depending on successful completion or failure of nested sequence containers.
Amar S.
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