Hello everybody,
I have data in my sql server table that is entered with a rich text editor so it contains html formatting. I need to show this data on the form with the formatting user has specified while entering the data. On the crystal report, I need to show the data not in the html format but simple text. I created a stored procedure to fetch the data and binded the report with the stored procedure. When data is printed on the report, it shows HTML tags with the data. Is there a way to fetch text in SQL so that report will only show text without HTML formatting?
It is stored a just a string of characters. It is retreived as just a string of characters. (Some of those characters are html coding characters.
You may wish to create a User Defined Function (UDF) that will strip out the html characters and can be used when necessary.
Here is an example of how you might create and use such a function. (It is incomplete -I'm sure you will be able to add the additional html coding...)
( @.StringIn varchar(500) )
RETURNS varchar(500)
SET @.StringIn = replace( replace( @.StringIn, '
', '' ), '
', '' )SET @.StringIn = replace( replace( @.StringIn, '<b>', '' ), '</b>', '' )
-- add addition html codes here
RETURN ( @.StringIn )
SELECT dbo.StripHTML('
This is a <b>Test</b>
I was looking for a quicker and easier way to do it (if there is something). As you said, I am writing my own UDF to parse HTML.
Thanks a lot.
|||You can use the following code to replace all the HTML tags....
CREATE Function dbo.Html2Text(@.HtmlString As Varchar(8000))
Returns Varchar(8000)
Declare @.TagString As Varchar(8000)
Declare @.TagStart As int
Declare @.TagEnd As int
Select @.TagStart = CharIndex('<', @.HtmlString),
@.TagEnd = CharIndex('>', @.HtmlString)
While @.TagStart <> 0 And @.TagEnd <> 0 And @.TagEnd > @.TagStart
Select @.TagString = Substring(@.HtmlString, @.TagStart, @.TagEnd - @.TagStart + 1)
Select @.HtmlString = Replace(@.HtmlString, @.TagString, '')
Select @.TagStart = CharIndex('<', @.HtmlString),
@.TagEnd = CharIndex('>', @.HtmlString)
Select @.HtmlString = Replace(@.HtmlString, ' ', ' ')
Select @.HtmlString = Replace(@.HtmlString, '&', '&')
Select @.HtmlString = Replace(@.HtmlString, '"', '''')
Select @.HtmlString = Replace(@.HtmlString, '&#', '#')
Select @.HtmlString = Replace(@.HtmlString, '<', '<')
Select @.HtmlString = Replace(@.HtmlString, '>', '>')
Select @.HtmlString = Replace(@.HtmlString, '%20', ' ')
Select @.HtmlString = Replace(@.HtmlString, Char(10), '')
Select @.HtmlString = Replace(@.HtmlString, Char(13), '')
Select @.HtmlString = LTrim(RTrim(@.HtmlString))
Return @.HtmlString
Select dbo.Html2Text('
Test Data
'); -- Result :Test Data
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